Tara McEwen
Founder of McEwen Media, Strategist, Media Coach
Based in:
Toronto, On
Favourite Color:
A Bit About Me
Tara McEwen is an award-winning producer (The Marilyn Denis Show), speaker, and Founder of McEwen Media. A skilled storyteller from a young age, Tara is a mastercommunicator specializing in connecting with mass audiences on an intimate andentertaining level.
As Founder and CEO of McEwen Media, Tara works with business owners and thought leaders to create compelling content worthy of top TV stations in Canada. These skills empower anyone where communication is key to success: sales, leadership, information exchange.
Tara has taken what she’s learned from decades producing television and appliesit to her speaking and workshops. An inspiring and entertaining speaker, Tara will transform your audience into confident, dynamic communicators.