The biggest mistake I see people make is they don't make the most of their media.
Think of your social media as your own personal network. The next time you watch traditional TV, take a look at all of the promotion and cross-promotion.
It doesn't matter what you pick. Primetime on any major network will air commercials for other shows coming up that night or similar shows airing later in the week in this timeslot. Specialty shows will promote other specialty networks (ie Food Network promos airing on HGTV and vice versa).
All of this is geared to incentivize the audience to keep watching and become loyal to the programming.
"You like this? Well here's even more and when you can watch it".
Promote and create as if you were the head of a network.
My network starts with a blog. Ok, technically with LinkedIn posts. I then copy and paste this to the blog on my website. From there, the blog is sent out to my email list (also directing traffic to my website). I have the option of also sharing these blog posts to my social media (IG and Facebook).
An ongoing assignment my Junior Consultant has is to take pull quotes from the blog and create a graphic for Instagram. The truly inspirational ones get shared on other accounts, expanding my reach without any added effort.
Another content trick is to squeeze more content out of podcasts.
It kills me when people share a link to a podcast and a promotional clip the day it airs. Such a wasted opportunity.
Not only do we cut multiple audiograms and clips for our social media feeds, but I've gotten the podcasts transcribed. We're packaging the transcripts with new thought leadership as content for December. All credit goes to the original podcast with the link included, driving traffic to the original podcast all over again.
And this content will be published as blogs, feeding that cycle all over again too.
The goal is to be everywhere. You may have the same people following you on different accounts. This is ok. If they're not into the message, they'll simply scroll. They won't remember seeing if, on the second or third viewing, it hits them at the right time.
You don't have to reinvent the wheel in order to feed your social media streams. If you take meaty media and break it down into pieces, you can create from the same source again and again and again.
Tickets are available for our week-long workshop Social Media for Solopreneurs. Learn how we've created a social media strategy that works AND allows us to work on the business.