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Be on My Podcast!

Here's what we're looking for: we are focusing on the pivot. Not the iconic Friends scene (although that is my favourite TV moment of all time) but the important moves people and businesses make to realize their dream.


McEwen Media is a pivot. After 15 years working in network TV I decided it was time to do something different.


If only it were that simple. This podcast explores the pivot point and all of the drama happening around it.


We want to explore the lead-up to the pivot - what was working, what wasn't working for you before.


We want to explore the moment you went all-in on a new idea - when did you know it was time to move?


And we want to check in on the twists and turns that have continued to come long after the pivot point.


If your story fits this narrative, feel free to fill out the form below. And share with anyone who might have something to explore!

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Let's Talk

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