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Our Approach to Social Media

Are you playing the algorithm? Or is the algorithm playing you?

So many of us enter the world of social media thinking we have it all figured out.

But what good is your strategy if your content doesn't express what you want to express?

If you feel like you're wasting time, energy, and money on content that goes nowhere, you have a story problem, not a strategy problem.

Every platform takes you to an audience. What you do when you reach that audience is where many brands drop the ball.

Stop creating to play to a platform. Instead, start creating like a producer, focused on pre-production, production, and post-production systems.

Pink Marble

Produce Like a Producer

The three key phases of high-level storytelling


We support clients in figuring out your current brand story. Who are you? What do you want to express? And who are you trying to reach? This new idea wants to be expressed by you. The deeper you understand what this is and who you are as the storyteller, the broader your reach.



Every platform will get you in front of an audience. Once you connect with an audience, you need to serve them. We work with clients to create a social media system that plays to your strengths. Plus we show how to improve the production value of your chosen medium: from writing to videos, and more.

This is where the system meets the strategy. Once you are connected to your brand story and start building the tools to tell it to the best of your ability, we guide you on how to leverage this media. A community and audience is a captive marketplace. We help you build a network to get the most value from the audience you're building - no matter the size.

Scroll down for our social media services, or book a call to explore your options.

Our Services


Streamline Your Socials: Beginner Workshop

In this online workshop, you learn how to overcome the biggest time-sucks when it comes to content-creation. Learn how to create with ease, frequency and focus so you can reach your target audience in less time.


Produce Like A Producer

In this 6-week program, you will develop the key steps in your pre-production, production, and post-production cycles. Through weekly live group coaching you develop the skills you need to create with ease, frequency, and focus. 


Streamline Your Socials: 1:1 Service

If you're done with DIY and you're ready to implement a content creation system with us, sign up for our 1:1 service. In three months we will create your brand story with you, implement a content system you can maintain, and elevate your production skills.


 Tara is absolutely brilliant. It’s a combination of so many things. Everyone has a story. And every story is as important as the next one. And that’s what you do, you bring out the best in people and their story


There’s value in feeling comfortable and the fact that you can do it. There’s things, like with any job, there are tips and tricks and things to do that can still be natural. And they don’t feel like they’re tips and tricks. It’s like bringing something from inside you out.


 In the last couple of our sessions I went from being "stuck" in my head to having a one pager - who would have thought?! ... I find my one pager evolving not just for the audience I'm looking to connect with but also evolving in a sense of expanding or refining itself.  I have a clearer sense of direction and I remind myself everyday that it's ok if every email I send doesn't get a response, eventually the ones that do will matter and who knows  maybe turn into something grand

Let's Get Social

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Founder and CEO Tara McEwen
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